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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

5 thoughts on “Why?”

  1. I also did a post on this ridiculous/hilarious story.

    From my blog:

    “Pride may go before a fall, but in Robertson’s case, it may go before a broken femur.”

    I also linked the video from CBN’s website of him doing leg presses.

  2. Gavin,

    Great quote! I guess the question is, then,

    “Is there anything Pat Robertson cannot do?”

    Weather forecasting – check.
    Leg pressing 2000 lbs – check.
    Embarrassing all Christians worldwide – check.

    “With men nothing is possible, but with Pat Robertson all things are possible.”

    Or, “Is there anything too hard for me?”

  3. Yeah, it kind of reminds me of back in the day when we had to do push ups in P.E. Some kids would barely bend their elbows and do like 100 push-ups and get their “physical fitness award” for excellence. I was always intrigued by the size of their muscles.

    I really would like to see Pat Robertson flex his legs on time for me like those body builders do. You know, with hands behind their head, abs tightened,with one leg in front of the other. I can see it now . . .

  4. Sorry, I missed the part where Pat claimed to do 30 reps at 2,000 with a full range of motion. The fact that he made no such claim does not invalidate the claim that he did one rep with a limited range of motion.

    Even so, I’ll lay that aside… does anyone here doubt that the video of PR lifting 1,000 pounds is legitimate? Don’t give me that “full range” garbage, or dismiss it with claims that he used his hands on his knees… Does the video show Pat Robertson lifting 1,000 pounds under his own strength, or is it bogus?

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