Here are some lovely BibleZines. Some are parodies, some are real. Can you guess which one is real???
Alright. I think that’s enough. Now, do I need to share my belief about BibleZines? I think not. Have fun, and while these parodies are hilarious, real BibleZines are not.
Good laffs.
On Thomas Nelson’s page for “ALIGN,” they write this: “Now there’s a new BibleZine™ created with today’s modern guy in mind. With an edgy, techo-savvy style and content that makes Biblical truth fresh and relevant, it might just make Bible reading the best part of your day.”
Waitaminit… so the edgy, techno-savvy style are what make the Truth fresh (or, not stale) and relevant (applicable)? So my plain leather copy with just the scripture in it is, in fact, stale and irrelevant? Wow. I guess that’s why reading it is the worst part of my day…