There you have it, follks. The new Desiring God website is up, and it is simply unbelievable.
I had some extra time this morning to research, and I went to the DG website and bam, there it was. I perused the resource page and checked out the layout of the website. It is a very clean site, quickly uploaded, and easy to navigate. However, let me point to some specific links that may be of some interest to you:
>> Resource Library
>> Essential Piper
>> Most Popular
>> Biographies
>> TULIP Seminar
>> Biblical Exegesis
>> Why Expositional Preaching Is Particularly Glorifying to God (T4G message)
>> The Supremacy of God in the Life of the Mind
>> A Mind in Love with God
>> How Does Christian Hedonism Relate to Evangelism?
>> I Have Other Sheep That Are Not of This Fold
>> You Will Be Eaten by Cannibals! Lessons from the Life of John G. Paton
>> The Pastor as Theologian
This is but a meager smattering of the voluminous material available both for reading and downloading (audio). All this audio will make for great drive-time meditations or for listening while exercising. In any case, Piper and Desiring God have done a most unprecedented thing, and one can only pray that other ministries will follow their example for the sake of Christ and His Church.