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The Discipleship Downline

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

4 thoughts on “The Discipleship Downline”

  1. The diagram presented is good but keep in mind that even though we all should be making disciples not all will have the same quantity or quality of fruit. Jeremiah never had a convert to disciple. No one wanted him. Many who would like to disciple may have great difficulty for many reasons. Keep in mind, if you disciple on a regular basis, you may have one that never leaves the nest, and that’s ok, too.

  2. Bruce – You’re absolutely right. I think the greater danger in today’s churches though is to assume that the institution of the church (the pastors, staff, and it’s respective programs and formal ministries) are the ones responsible for “making disciples”. This command was given to the church, not the institution but the real church….every man and woman who has trusted in Christ alone to be saved from certain and deserved punishment.

    • Ken – I couldn’t agree with you more. I do think the pastor should initiate it and be in a discipleship roll continuously. The scriptural foundation and example he disciples into those he is associated with should find its way into the body. Each member of the body would do their discipling based upon the foundation started from the pastor. If this was done at the start-up of churches we wouldn’t have as much of a problem when it comes to replacing a pastor or staff who is led elsewhere or passes on. The church would know what to look for in a replacement and be mature enough to prove God’s will in all matters of personnel and church business. Think of how it would affect the families of the church in their personal life, too. The possibilities are endless.

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