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Ten Deadly Trappings of Evangelism

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Joe Carter of the Evangelical Outpost has written an article entitled “Fads and Fixtures: Ten Deadly Trappings of Evangelism” in which he lays out a provocative post full of deadly trappings of evangelism.  His ten trappings are:

1.  Making converts
2.  The Sinner’s Prayer
3.  “Do you know Jesus as…”
4.  Tribulationism
5.  Testimonies
6.  The Altar Call
7.  Witnessing
8.  Protestant Prayers
9.  The Church Growth Movement
10. Chick Tracts

To read Carter’s post and commentary, go here

(HT :: James Grant)

7 thoughts on “Ten Deadly Trappings of Evangelism”

  1. Tim,

    I read the post you linked, and I think that “deadly trappings” is a bit excessive for some of the things listed. For instance, the “Altar Call” (viz. – invitation) is only as good or bad as someone makes it. The “thing” itself is not “deadly,” but more likely how it is done. There also seems to be some splitting hairs over semantics – converts vs. disciples, as if people aren;t actually “converted” to Christianity.

  2. Timmy,

    I especially appreciated how Joe says that he backed down or equivocated on these ideas the last time he enunciated them, but now he has come back with renewed conviction. It indicates a willingness to listen to other folks’ ideas, and be willing to learn from them, while not being blown about by every wave of doctrine. The only one of the ten on there with which I have no familiarity is “Chick Tracts”. I agree that the last thing the Gospel needs is to be printed on the back of a fake $50. bill, but I can’t quite figure out what he means by a Chick Tract. Is it a tract aimed at women???

    I think the personal testimony is often abused but redeemable, as Paul was a man who told of his sin, his savior, and his saving faith to anyone who would listen, but it was centered on bringing glory to God. Numbers 1,2,3,7 on the list, I consider to all be the same error worked out in different ways.

    I’ll probably never wind up in a country church situation where folks would be upset at me for not issuing an altar call, but if I somehow landed in the middle of Easy Beliefism Central, I wonder how far I would go in order to win the peoples’ trust and begin to lead them out of it?

  3. I don’t think altat call is “deadly trapping” in itself. I think it is matter how one does the “altar call” that makes it “deadly.” If someone is being forced or been pushed to come forward, then that’s “deadly.”

  4. While I don’t necessarily agree with Joe at every point, I am sympathetic towards his concerns or what he calls “deadly trappings.” In general, I think his post makes a valid point that much of what we call evangelism today is not biblical evangelism. That much I think we can all agree upon.

    Thanks for the interaction guys.

  5. One other point I would like to make is that anything that mediates between God and us other than the Lord Jesus Christ and response to the gospel in repentance and faith is indeed deadly. Whether it is an altar, a prayer, raising hand, or anything else we do as a substitute for repentance and faith is perilous, for people will inevitably come to trust in that act more than the Christ who saves.

    While I don’t think Joe mentioned it in his post, something I have become very sensitive about is pronouncing immediate assurance over someone who has prayed to receive Christ. Usually, it is like the saying, “Welcome to the family of God” (which I was taught in Evangelism Explosion). Eternal security and assurance is not evidence at one moment in time but in the obedience of faith as Spurgeon called it where the good works accompany the new life wrought by the Holy Spirit.

  6. “While I don’t think Joe mentioned it in his post, something I have become very sensitive about is pronouncing immediate assurance over someone who has prayed to receive Christ.”

    Totally agree. I have seen the negative effects of this in my own church.

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