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Streams of Thought

Photo of author
Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Streams of Thought, originally uploaded by Sola Lumina Captura.

My description of this image:

Taken @ the lovely Dry Falls, this self-portrait is probably my favorite so far. If you look closely, you will see my “Smokey the Bear” button.

Further commentary of this picture in response to a comment:

I prefer the more subtle self-portraits. While many self-portraits tend to be narcissistic, this one intends to be an exception to the rule. Quite humbling to be included in the picture of the Dry Falls.
The transparency of me is intended in more ways than one. I hope to be transparent in my photos as well as my approach/style to photography in general. The less of me you see, the better. Truly I must decrease . . .

* Disclaimer: If you click on this photo, you will be directed to my Flickr page where there may be comments by the public photog community that I may not have the time to moderate. As a general rule, I will remove any comments which have improper languange or inappropriate connotations.

3 thoughts on “Streams of Thought”

  1. No, I set the exposure for 5 seconds, closed the aperature to f/22, and had the ISO @ 100. Then I set the timer to go off after 10 seconds of pushing the shutter button. To get the “ghostly” effect, the goal is to be in the picture for half the exposure time. For instance, in this case, I was in the photo for about 2 seconds and then jumped out. The less time you are in the frame, the more transparent you will look.

    The only post-production on this photo was a little crop and color correction.

  2. Oh, and I did use a tripod. Any picture that I take that is longer than 1/2 a second, I use a tripod. When shooting quickly and often, such as in a wedding, I never shoot under 1/40 of a second to ensure no camera shake or out-of-focused shots. That’s generally my rule.

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