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Ready For Reformation???

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Dr. Tom Nettles, whom I have this semester for Church History, has just come out with his recent book called Ready for Reformation? Bringing Authentic Reform to Southern Baptist Churches. I picked book up last Thursday and hope to write a review on it in the upcoming weeks (that is, if I can balance it with my studies).
The timeliness of this book is dead-on. There could not be a greater need than to address the reality that the SBC needs a reformation, and in light of the fact that tomorrow is Reformation Day, it could well be the siren that sounds forth the cries of yesteryear. In the essential aspects of a true reformation, Nettles mentions two principles: the “formal” principle and the “material” principle. The “formal” principle, in my understanding, is foundational whereas the “material” principle is the framework or structure built upon that foundation. Nettles argues that the formal principle was enacted when the battle for inerrancy was won; however, the material principle (building on the foundation of inerrancy) has yet to take place. In this material principle are the key issues of doctrinal constructions that shape the contours of our faith. Never before has the SBC been less confessional, yet demanding of more loyalty. This heavy-handedness and elitist mentality from many SBC leaders is pressing a threshold among many SBCers who see through their agendas and politicizing of the denomination.
Needless to say, I could not be more encouraged to see that a faithful minister and scholar has addressed this great problem. Juxtaposed to Welch’s Million-Dunked Movement and Hunt/Graham/Gaines tirades against the doctrines of grace, Nettles already stands out with a biblical, well-informed, honest, level-headed, and plausible work that deserves consideration from all SBCers. Who knows? Maybe, just maybe, we may be on the brink of a reformation. Am I ready? You bet I am!

2 thoughts on “Ready For Reformation???”

  1. I’m glad you got this book. I got mine about a month ago for review for the Missouri Baptist Convention newspaper coming out in about a week. Let’s pray the book is bought, read, comprehended, and the correct applications made.

    Later tonight, I am posting my “official” review, and then a lot of riff-raff stuff on the book. Take a look if you get a chance and give me some feedback.

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