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Random Stuff for the Week of 9/30-10/6

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

* Scott Slayton (Scattered and Covered) has shared why he should be the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention. I’m already talking it up over here. Remember that name . . .

* Dr. Al Mohler has linked a great article by Charles Spurgeon called “Advanced Thinkers“. The descriptions and implications which follow of such thinkers speak saliently to the issues the contemporary church is facing today. A must read.

* Phil Johnson (Pyromaniac), on his blogspotting patrol, mentions that I mentioned him mentioning me mentioning his bookmarks, and I now I am . . . well you know. And oh, he tagged my posts on “theological triage” as well, of which has received a great deal of response.

* As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, a new facet of P&P is the welcoming of guest bloggers. Tenatively, I would like to mention them to you and what they will most likely be addressing their posts. More bio sketch and information about them to follow as their blogging presumes. K.J. Pugh will be writing on Puritans and sanctification (in particular writings of John Owen); David Kizziah will be writing literature reviews and how Christians can benefit from a broad-scale reading; Zach Mabry will be writing on aspects of Christian community (body life) and how true fellowship affects the kingdom of God and the world around us; J. Caleb Clanton will be writing on philosophy and political theory with special emphasis on the role of Christians in the public square (excerpts from his doctoral dissertation presented at Vanderbilt University); and finally Dan Canales, who will be writing on Christian/non-Christian incongruencies, relations, dialogue, etc. I am excited about what these guys will be bring to the table and the interaction/discussion to follow. Stay tuned.

* Desiring God has recently made available for purchase John Piper’s preaching of Romans 1-12 in MP3 format. I think Piper has been preaching through Romans since I underwent puberty. The set consists of 6 discs which contain 183 messages! (I did the math: 183 messages at 30 minutes a message = 92 hours worth of Romans!!!) If you are looking for a quick way to fill your iPOD, then here’s a good start. Sale price: $85.

>> Finally, starting this week in this “Random Stuff” post and continuing in weeks forthcoming P&P will be acclaiming The Blog of the Week. The purpose of this is to acquaint some of you who are not well traveled in the blogosphere to some great blogs in hopes that you would read them and recommend them to others. Atop the blogroll next to the “5 Hottest Posts” will be the link to the blog.

**** This Week’s Pick **** Reformation 21

Reformation 21 is the online magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and includes posts by great evangelical leaders like Phillip Ryken, Justin Taylor, Ligon Duncan III, Derek Thomas, and Rick Phillips. A great blend of strong evangelical thinking.

I think that will do it for this week! Please keep Wes and our the new believers in your prayers. Much thanks.

– t.n.b.

2 thoughts on “Random Stuff for the Week of 9/30-10/6”

  1. Thanks Eric. I truly appreciate the response and readership that has come of P&P. I am starting to figure out and appreciate all the more the value of blogging . . .

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