* There is a great flash movie about the church growth movement from the guys at Christian Unplugged. It is a short 3-4 minute movie showing up our culture has influenced the church. You ought to check it out.
* Some blogs that I am reading that are worth checking out:
Tim Challies – great stuff (especially book reviews and culture)
Locusts and Wild Honey (Don Elbourne) – check out Piper’s prayer and historical baptist leaders
Steve McCoy (Reformissionary)
Joe Thorn (Words of Grace) – Must read on Reforming Evangelism!
Alex Forrest
* As school starts back up this week, I am looking to bring some organization to my posts. I have some categories that will posting under – similar posts under the same thought/idea. I will still post random stuff as they arise in the future, but for now, here is a list of some categories that I will attempt to write under:
GMOOT: Getting the Most Out of Tentmaking (see previous post)
AWAKEN: Matters of Salvation and Regeneration
RDSA: Reader Discretion Strongly Advised
RANDOM STUFF: Weekly Updates
NARRATIVES: Interplay with events in Jesus’ Life
EVENTS: Happenings worth checking out
H4H: Hunger for Holiness
OT: Old Testament posts
PUNKING 101: Concerning cultural captivity
FLICKR: Picture updates on photography work
NEWS: I am a news-junkie o.k.?
As I look to write posts, I will most likely title it something like “AWAKEN: _________” and so on. On the toolbar on the side (where RDSA and H4H already are, I will put the categories there with the posts if you happen to miss any). If I post something, and it is not in any category, then it is just something random I felt worth writing about. I will attempt to post at least 3-4 times a week throughout the semester. Because of the increase in demand for my time, I write less but hope to provide some readworthy nonetheless.
Off to a new chapter in my life: Year 2 in Seminary. May God find pleasure as I pursue excellence in my studies.
– t.n.b.