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Random Stuff for the Week of 12/23-12/30

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

* It has just recently been announced that James White will be debating Bishop John Shelby Spong on the issue of homosexuality. For more information, check out SovereignCruises here. The three hour debate will take place on November 3, 2006 at the Hotel Royal Plaza in Lake Buena Vista, FL.

* Many of you are already aware of this, but for those of you who maybe not be, Victoria Osteen (wife of Joel Osteen) was asked to leave the plane after she failed to comply with a flight attendant’s instructions. One must wonder if when people “arrive” at Christian star status if they have entitlements and special privileges. Whatever happened to the towel and bucket? Justin Taylor (Between Two Worlds) offers additional info from a CT article about Joel’s prior issue with an attendant in which he plugs “the favor of God.” Steve McCoy (Reformissionary) offers a great photo and additional links as well.

* Steve Hays (Triablogue) and Michael Spencer (iMonk) have been having it out over the language issues at BHT (Boar’s Head Tavern). I find this dialogue somewhat comical. Some of the posts include “Spaghetti Soup,” “c.t. & imonkery,” “Circular excuses,” “Liar! Liar!,” “Them Bleepity-bleep Tavernistas,”Boar’s head revisited,” and finally “Of the devil’s party without knowing it.” Spencer replies back with “The Tyranny of the Offended,” and “Thoughts on Ephesians 4:29,5:4.”

* Nikon has just come out with its newest DSLR – the D200. It is a replacement for the old D100. From the raving reviews and new features, the D200 has already become a hot seller. If are looking at going into the DSLR range of digital photography, you might want to check out this body – which sells for a reasonable price of $1700. Here is the Digital Photography Reviews analysis.

* A while back Ochuk posting an article called “Stunning – A Reaction to the “Blog War” on the community blog at Challies.com. What Ochuk writes is important for any blogger who frequently writes about controversial issues to read.

**** Blog of the Week **** Slice of Laodicea

Slice of Laodicea (often referred to as Slice) is a website dedicated to news and commentary on the contemporary church. They one a select few blogs out there that is addressing the shortcomings of the megachurch and emerging church movements. The blog template is very readable and clean, and the categories make it easy to peruse back into their archives. It is fair to say that this blog has brought a slice of sanity for those who wish to address the contemporary trends of ecclesiology with a sound hermeneutic and serious cultural engagement.

Hope everyone had a wonderful and Merry Christmas! Thank you for visiting P&P, and I hope you have an exciting New Year!

– t.n.b.