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Random Stuff for the Week of 12/16-12-22

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

* Marc Heinrich (Purgatorio) pieced together what could be the post of the year. It is called “Help! I’m Going Hyper!” Simply stellar. Also, for another masterfully crafted post, check out “You Might Be Emerging If . . . “. Purgatorio’s spice to the blogosphere is quite nice!

* Have you been tested lately to see what kind of theologian you are? If not, here you go. Now, I must say that the conclusive evidence might not be totally accurate, but it is fun to take nonetheless! If you choose to take it, comment back and share the results if you like.

* InstaVerse is a little browser plugin that will let you instantly see the actual Bible text for scripture references. Just point your mouse at a Scripture reference and the text pops up in your preferred translation! The KJV is free and the ESV is $9.95. If you happen to reference the Bible online or read others who do, this tool might be nifty for you.

* Steve Camp has given some perspective on C.S. Lewis and some of the troublesome theology he espoused. Also, Camp provides a hard-hitting review of the movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

* Finally, Paul Lamey (Lameworldview) has given us the real reason why mega-churches are closing on Christmas Day (Sunday).

**** Blog of the Week **** Reformata (Sola Gratia Ministries)

Reformata is an excellent Reformed blog which has great contributors such as Paul Helm, C. Ryan Jenkins, Sebastian Heck, Camden Bucey, and Frank “Centurion” Turk. This theologically and apologetically centered blog addresses some of the foundational and essential issues of the Christian today both with Christianity and with culture. I have particularly enjoyed the meticulous detail and astute study given to each post which prove to be a healthy dose of daily gravitas in the blogdom. There have been several posts which I have found profitable but would like to recommend to series which are ongoing for your consideration:

1. Post-modern Epistemology (Descartes, Kant, Summary of Modernism, Kierkegaard)
2. Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom (Part One, Part Two)

Now that the Fall Semester is finally over, I have a little bit of time to play. That means I will be studying a couple of things in the next two weeks – that being the Emerging Church Movement and the doctrine of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. In the upcoming days/weeks, I hope to share some of the fruits of my research. In the meantime, I will work to complete the final five reasons of the “10 Reasons” why every SBCer should read Ready for Reformation? as well as any other extemporaneous or immediate thoughts along the way. Have a great weekend!

– t.n.b.

4 thoughts on “Random Stuff for the Week of 12/16-12-22”

  1. Timmy,

    Today was the first time that I’ve spent any time looking at all these Christian blogs, and I’ll be honest, I’m really annoyed. I feel like so many people just want to pick out things that they can prove that they are right on and that other people are wrong on. And they spend tons and tons of time doing this. Do you feel like this is a proper exhibition of Christian love? For instance on that C.S. Lewis link people did a great job of tearing down Lewis’ theology… good… that’s great, but some even started questioning his salvation. Are you kidding me? I’m sure you’ve been challenged and convicted by his writings; How can we do that? I’m sorry, I’m just venting and I don’t have your email address.

    On a brighter side, I’m working on that relationships stuff for you. I’d like to do it in 10 sections going from Genesis to Hollywood. It’ll be neat. I hope all is well. The pictures of Jeff and Ashley are phenomenal. I want you to come down here for a week when we’ve got kids and take some pictures for us that we can use on the website and for promotional stuff.


  2. Zach,

    I believe your sentiments are shared with quite a large number of people. Some people have said that the blogosphere is simple a realm for people to vent and “oneupmanship.” I hope that is not the case.
    While I provide various links and opinions, I am not endorsing their views. It is only way of providing a different perspective. You are correct that I have been challenged and convicted by his writings as I have a large number of his books which I hold in high regard.

    When dead people speak, it is often the case that with those who hold them dear, only what is remembered is what was virtuous about them. When people are alive, they usually have contemporaries who will challenge them (hopefully lovingly) with what could be considered as “troublesome.” As you know, Lewis never considered himself a theologian, but many today hold him as such. To be given as much attention as of late due to the movie, I thought it would be beneficial to provide a little balance.

    As far as proper exhibitions of love, I am not sure that the blogosphere is the easiest place to find that, not for the least of which reasons is that the medium is no impersonal. I mean, most of these people I have never met (and probably never will) except through what they say on their blogs. Probably, the greatest challenge for Christians on their blogs is to do just what you have said.

    As I see it, the blogosphere is a sort of “front-lines” in the culture/church arena especially with taking scholarship to the masses. Before, academia wrote and spoke to their own elites; now, there is a listening audience reading, commenting, and interacting with people on a much larger scale. While everything we do should be motivated by love and intended to build up the Church and edify the brother, much of what is said, I presume, is written “pros apologian” as a defense and explanation of the Christian faith. That’s just my $.02.

    Thank you for work you are doing for the relationships/community stuff. I am excited to see it. Jeff and Ashley was very king to allow me to take a few photos. I hope to shoot more couples (not literally!) in the future. I would LOVE to come down there and take some photos of you guys (but more importantly to share in the authentic koinonia you have there). I hold you and the entire Snowbird staff in the highest regard.

    Andy, thanks for the tip. I am of all people the least technologically savvy and up-to-date with this stuff. Thanks!

  3. You scored as Anselm.

    Anselm is the outstanding theologian of the medieval period.He sees man’s primary problem as having failed to render unto God what we owe him, so God becomes man in Christ and gives God what he is due. You should read ‘Cur Deus Homo?’



    Karl Barth


    Paul Tillich


    J�rgen Moltmann


    Jonathan Edwards


    John Calvin


    Charles Finney




    Friedrich Schleiermacher


    Martin Luther


    Thanks Timmy. I’m Anslem. And I wished to be addressed as such.

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