* Monergism Books is a wonderful, new site for great books which you probably won’t find on the pop/front shelves of your local bookstore. Partnered with the great library of articles found at Monergism, this bookstore is long-overdue and received with gratefulness and anticipation. Now that the Discerning Reader is gone, it is great to see that there is a bookstore like this out there.
* The Desiring God National Conference—Suffering and the Sovereignty of God–begins tonight. Tim Challies and Doug McHone will be live-blogging the conference. So check their sites this weekend if you’re interested. If there was any way possible that I could have gone, then I would be there. In the day where prosperity and the American way seem to pervade American brand of Christianity, God is using Piper and others to call Christ-followers back to the way of the cross. I will be praying, as I hope you would, for an eternal impact to be made, not just through the conference, but in the ripple effect to follow.
* Dave Hunt, notoriously known for his book What Love Is This? and hiding from public debate, has recently in a newsletter stated that Calvinism is a false gospel. Furthermore, he makes the charge that Calvinists are not saved!!! I think what is called The Berean Call maybe should be renamed The Berean Fall. To join others in expressing your disappointment to Hunt, you can contact him here. Classic Hyper-Arminianism.
* Tom Ascol (Founder’s Ministries) has reported about some striking and saddening stories. One is about Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s Flames, and the other is the Power Team. I know that many a person have been wrapped up in these hyper-emotional, hardly biblical acts. Be well worth you time to check them out.
**** This week’s blog of the week **** Scattered and Covered (Scott Slayton)
Scott is an old, on-campus neighbor of mine when I was a student at the University of Mobile. Currently, he is serving as a pastor in Parrish, AL and he and his wife just recently had a baby girl (Hannah). This week, Scott has been writing a critical review of a book called For God So Loved the World. Scott is usually on top of the theological or political happenings in the Alabama area, and you could be sure to enjoy his “Bad Church Sign of the Week.” You may remember me speaking about his future run for the president of the Southern Baptist Convention. I think his downfall is that he bleeds blue and orange. Check out his blog!
That be all for now. This weekend, I will be skidootling around my old hometown with some fiddlers at the Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention. For the local newspaper write up, click here. Good times. Back again soon.
– t.n.b.
Thank you so much, I have so many people to thank.