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Random Stuff for the Week of 10/21-10/27

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

This Random Stuff post was supposed to be uploaded on Friday but my Internet connect went down. Therefore, I am posting it today, knowing that another one will come this Friday.

* Monergism has a new blog called Reformation Theology which contributors including Marco Gonzalez, Eric Costa, John Samson, and John Hendryx. Here is their description of who they are:
We are a community of confessing believers from various backgrounds with solidarity in Reformed Theology. Our contributors include a wide diversity of traditions: Baptists, Presbyterians, Charismatic, Non-denominational and Independent. Even though we may have differences on non-essential matters, we are all committed to the Biblical and Christ-exalting truths of the Reformation such as the five solas, the doctrines of grace, monergistic regeneration, and the redemptive historical approach to interpreting the Scriptures.

* The audio from the last Desiring God National Conference (Suffering and the Sovereignty of God) is now available. You can also see the list of worship songs (PDF) as well as view promotional trailers.

* In 2006, InterVaristy Press will be publishing another CounterPoint book called Four Views and the Atonement. Included in it is Dr. Thomas Schreiner’s latest paper presented at Southern on penal substitution. Other contributor’s are Gregory Boyd (“Christus Victor” view), Bruce Reichenbach (Theraputic” view), and Joel Green (every view is true).

* Tom Ascol (along with several others) have reported about Bailey Smith’s $48.00 equals a saved soul ministry promotional. From what I can tell, Scott Slayton first mentioned, and the Calvinist Gadfly (here, here, and here) contacted BSM, and Tom Ascol has expounded on it very thoroughly (here and here). The promotional no longer exists on BSM website, but this has proved to be a great lesson in pilfering off the gospel.

* Joe Thorn (Words of Grace) is currently writing a series called Seven Deadly Sins. Here are his posts thus far: Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust. Great stuff.

**** This Week’s Blog of the Week **** Triablogue (Steve Hays)

The subheading for Triablogue is “Serious Trinitiarian Theology.” Hays has written some great posts as of late (particularly for me The Depopulation of Hell, Till Hell Freezes Over, and his Pot of Gold series.

– t.n.b.