Because I have not done a “Random Stuff” post in a while, I thought I’d do a quick hit post, highlighting some posts I thought were interesting.
* Marc Heinrich (Purgatorio) has just produced a post which rivals two of his best (“You Might Be Emerging If . . .” and “Help! I’m Going Hyper!“). It is called “You Probably Shouldn’t Leave Worship Anymore If . . .“. What would our sanity be without the great stuff Marc puts out?
* Tom Ascol (Founders Ministries) has chimed in on the homsexual debate with his post “Homosexual Activism and the SBC.” In his post, Ascol shows a true pastoral heart as he reminds us that we are all in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 somewhere. Thanks Tom!
* Marty Duren (SBC Outpost) has a post entitled “White Paper” which has received quite a bit of attention (80 comments at this moment). It has to do with paper entitled “Vision Assessment” which was a critique of Jerry Rankin and the direction of the IMB.
* David Wayne (Jollyblogger) has recently written a post entitled “Some Thoughts on Godly Disputation or ‘How to Have a Christ-Like Argument” in which he provides some helpful remarks about debating for the sake of the cause of Christ. I think this is an excellent post and should be read by anyone engaging in debate on the blogosphere.
* C.J. Mahaney has encouraged Mark Dever to write about his reading habits and disciplines of study to which Dever has written in two posts thus far:
1. Evangelism & My Canon of Theologians
2. Church Membership, the Archbishop, and My Canon of Theologians
I really appreciate Dever doing this as he provides a great example of balance between “then” and “now.” Bloggers can be especially guilty of being “nowistic” and vacuous of great historical thought, and he has provided a reliable guide for those wanting to do something about that.
* Shane Walker (IX Marks Ministries) has written a review of Donald Miller’s book Blue Like Jazz which has received both praise and criticism. Michael Spencer goes on a rant against IX Marks while Tim Challies refers to it as “an excellent review.”
* Joe Carter has had it with Brian McLaren. He expresses his sentiments in his recent post “The Saltless Servant: Brian McLaren and the ‘Homosexual Question.'” The instigation of this post by Carter stems from an article from Out of Ur (CT’s blog) entitled “Brian McLaren on the Homosexual Question: Finding a Pastoral Response.” Also, Doug Wilson has written about this as well in his post “All About Sex.”
* Speaking of Brian McLaren, there have been three recent reviews of his book A Generous Orthodoxy. First, there is the long series of posts by Doug Wilson (find them here). Later came John Frame and his review. Finally, Doug Geivett came out with a short review of the book as well.
* Michael Spencer (Internet Monk) has added a few thoughts on the Emerging Church with his post “More Thoughts on the Emerging Church.” He speaks about the movement in flux, with varying transitions and terminology, which, if not understood, can cause oversimplications and broad accusations. Also, Spencer also just did a review of Mark Dever’s recent book Promises Kept: The Message of the New Testament and highly recommends it. I find this a little humorous given that he just went on a rant against IX Marks review of the book Blue Like Jazz.
I guess that’s it. You know, it seems that the Christian blogosphere is really changing and growing as of late. I am excited to see what the potential of all this can become . . .
Wasn’t it Shane Walker who made the rant against Blue Like Jazz?