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After a long hunt, I was able to track down the CT issue. Did you know that Wal-Mart, Krogers, and Books-a-Million don’t carry CT? Funny enough, as I was able to retrieve a copy at the campus bookstore, I came across current president Frank Page’s hard-to-find book Trouble with Tulip: A Closer Examination of the Five Points of Calvinism (notice 2nd edition). The purchase is timely as Dr. Page is slated to speak in chapel next week. Maybe he will be kind enough to autograph it for me. I wonder if Page still holds to the same position he espouses (yea concocts) in his book. For an excellent review of it, go here. Photographically speaking, there is nothing notable to say, except that I now have hair. Have a great weekend!
To go to my Flickr page, go here.
To go to the Friday Photo group, go here.
Here’s the exif data for the photogs:
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: 28-135mm IS USM Focal Length: 28mm Tv: 1/5 sec Av: f/6.3 ISO: 800 WB: Custom (3000k)
I in no way want to be exclusionary by not linking to everyone with a Friday special, but the number of participants is simply getting too big to link everyone. If you have a photo for the Friday Photo group, be sure to put it here. For poetry and prose, check out Brent Thomas, and for church history, see William Turner.
Timmy, it looks like you’re out of bookshelf space!
I empathize as I have a few dozen sitting on the floor!
Indeed I am. ๐
I guess that means it’s tubbing time. Joy.
What method do you use to organize your books? When I was in college, I had about 500 books at the time and needed a system. So I sat down at the local library and figured out the Dewey Decimal System (all those of years of actually using it didn’t mean I understood it).
I began cataloguing all my books by the Dewey Decimal system which is really nice for Christian libraries. I’m not nerdy enough to put a number on the outside spine, but I pencil it inside on the top corner of the first page. Then I enter the book in a database on my computer. I sort the books in the database by DDC number, then author, then title and make sure they are on my shelf in that order.
It’s very helpful because now with 2300 books, it’s very difficult to find something unless I know where it is. I’ve had them scrambled before in moves and it’s just miserable to spend twenty minutes browsing my self trying to remember what that spine looked like.
As I get new books, I try to place them on top of the section where they would go if there’s not enough room to wedge them in, and about twice a year, my wife and I spend a Saturday putting books in the right place and shoving the rest further down. This sometimes culminates with the purchase of a new bookcase.
Anyway, I saw the picture and recognized a fellow bibliophile ๐
When I was in college, I had a nice card catalog system which I used especially when friends wanted to borrow a book or two (I can’t tell you how many I never got back!). Then, in ministry, I had a secretary who together (with me) fashioned a nice excel document of my library – that is, until my laptop was stolen (while in use at church by the way). I did not have it backed up on a disc or external hard drive, so I lost all the work (which amounted to countless hours).
When I moved to Louisville, I came during a massive rainstorm and lost about $700 worth of books and had no bookshelves. Since then, I have eight bookshelves, 4 tubs, and 9 stacks on the floor. All I have right now is organized them by topic/category. I really need to organize them but simply haven’t the time. I started with LibraryThing but only have around 500 up there right now. I have no idea how many books I have right now, but you are right that I do need to catalog.
My wife and I are looking to move in a couple of months, so I am hoping to have the library better organized. Fortunately, I have several boxes left at my parent’s house which should make the move a little easier.
Indeed, I am a bibliophile, so thanks for your suggestions and input. ๐
Page’s book is readily available here in Greenville if you need additional copies. You’d be interested to know that, upon beginning his tenure at Taylors First Baptist he almost immediately began preaching through Trouble with Tulip on Wednesday nights. Interesting place to begin a teaching ministry. So, even though that was several years ago, yeah I think he still holds to it.
Nah, no extra copies needed here. I don’t think there will be any Bible studies going on around here with the book.
You know what I find so ironic?
Pastors can freely go into churches and preach against Calvinism without biblical or historical accuracy, but Calvinist pastors cannot even get past the search committee! Pastors like Johnny Hunt can take their youth on summer camp and teach them how to (of all things) defend themselves against Calvinistic teaching, and any youth pastor who is found out to be a Calvinist is likely to be fired for being such. I wonder if Dr. Page would welcome someone like Dr. Mohler to teach the doctrines of grace on Wednesday nights at their church? After all, Page is speaking at the “Reformed hot bed” this week.
For anyone to say that there isn’t a clear bias, and even witch hunt, in certain areas of the SBC has their head in the sand.