Here’s the exif data for the photogs:
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: 50mm USM Focal Length: 50mm Tv: 1/60 sec Av: f/1.4 ISO: 800 WB: Custom (4000k)
Steve McCoy, Joe Thorn, Joe Kennedy, Alex Forrest, and Ariel Vanderhorst also post pics on Friday. I encourage you to check out their photography. For those interested in poetry, check out ColossiansThreeSixteen. Also, Will Turner has added some history to the Friday menu.
Okay…this is my understanding of the votive candle per my early childhood Catholic education. The lighting of a votive candle represents a the devotion of ones life to Christ. The consumption of the candle by fire represents sacrafice. One would normally light a votive to represent their desire to have their life consumed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. A candle is also sometimes lit in prayer for someone elses life to be consumbed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. I believe that is the general jist of what they are about but it has been a long long time since those Sunday School classes.
Thanks Dan!
Now go comment on my omnibenevolence posts . . .
Sadly I feel that this might have been the only subject you’ve raised in recent weeks that isn’t completely over my head… I speak where I’m qualified to; otherwise I just generally sit and observe the master theolitcian at work… ๐
I haven’t been much on politics of late. So when is our next debate? I don’t want to hear you vacillate. So what do you say, mate?
Theolitics- (n) 2006. (1) Timmy Brister’s discussions on the SBC presidency. (2) George Bush’s discussions on… well everything. (3) The Papal selection process.
It’s in Webster’s verbatim.. I promise! Be steaming mad Tim that Webster has you grouped in with those darn Catholics. At least you are in good company with ole Georgy B. ๐
As for the next suggested debate topic I suggest… Exploratory surveys for oil in ANWR.
That sounds to quirky for me, but hey, I am down with it I guess, as long as you don’t go and put that on wikipedia with my name attached to it! If so, you are forever on the “mean guy” list.
Hmmm, ANWR . . .
What about that lady in San Diego who was caught on tape telling illegals that they could help her in her campaign? I thought that was classic!
Fair enough… we will keep that as our definition.