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POTW :: 05.19.06 :: Caught

Photo of author
Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

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Alright, so I have been holding off on this picture for some time now. Tim Challies told Marc and me that we could not catch him picking his nose, and well, with the help of all the paparazzi at the T4G Conference, we were able to get this image of Tim taking a break from typing 200 words per minute. I took this picture on the last session of the conference. Tim, have I told you how much I like you?

Here’s the exif data for the photogs:

Camera: Canon 20D Lens: 100-400mm IS USM Focal Length: 250mm Tv: 1/30 sec Av: f/5.0 ISO: 800 WB: Tungsten

Steve McCoy, Joe Thorn, Joe Kennedy and Alex Forrest also post pics on Friday. I encourage you to check out their photography. For those interested in poetry, check out ColossiansThreeSixteen. Also, Will Turner has added some history to the Friday menu.