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POTW :: 04.14.06 :: Glimmer

Photo of author
Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

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Last night, I went out to grab a Smoothie and was able to catch the sunset again downtown. However, I decided to hang out and do some ready (Jerry Bridges Is God Really in Control?) and found this shot. I think it is one of my favorites so far that I have taken of downtown Louisville. Then again, I must say that the BofB template pic is a fav of mine as well. This image is a one minute exposure shot (rest of specs below), so you must have the “bulb” option on your camera. One last note – does anyone see anything weird about this photo (you may have to click on it to see it)?

Here’s the exif data for the photogs:

Camera: Canon 20D Lens: 28-135mm IS USM Focal Length: 53mm Tv: 60 sec Av: f/29 ISO: 100 WB: Custom (3500K)

Steve McCoy, Joe Thorn, and Alex Forrest also post pics on Friday. I encourage you to check out their photography. For those interested in poetry, check out ColossiansThreeSixteen.

2 thoughts on “POTW :: 04.14.06 :: Glimmer”

  1. Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

    Gee, that didn’t take long. Yeah, I didn’t notice the reflection of the bridge in the water until looking at the pic for the third time. What surprised me, too, was how strongly it showed up in the picture.

    Thanks Zach, and don’t forget to reserve me a room at Snowbird this summer!

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