This image was taken on the last night of the Fall Backpackin’ Trip last year. The other day, I was going through some of the photos I never got around to editing, and this was one of them. I thought this picture was especially fitting this week as I have felt the Word of God burn in my heart like the two men on Emmaus Road, as well as the burning of lustful tendencies as I desire to have sin mortified in my life. We know that we should not play with fire, but how often I play with sin! We know that fire serves the purpose to warm us, but how cold my heart often becomes my negligence of stirring up holy affections! Ah, yes, this picture is for me. 🙂
Here is the exif data for the image:
Camera: Canon 20D Lens: 28-135mm IS USM Focal Length: 85mm Tv: 1/250 sec Av: f/5.6 ISO: 1600 WB: Custom (3000K)
Nice picture, Timmy!