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POTW :: 01.05.08 :: littleelvis

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

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Since the birth of our son Nolan three weeks ago, everything has changed. It has been a wonderful change, and I absolutely love hanging out with my son and loving on his mother. The photo above was taken yesterday when Nolan was wearing his Roll Tide sleeper. I thought he made a good little-Elvis with his collar and flair.

Recently, it has been quite a whirlwind of events. The first 10 days we had family and friends here in Louisville staying with us, had a brief two-day break, and then spent five days with our family in Alabama. We have been back for three days, and I have been struggling to get a routine going. I suspect things will be hit and miss for a while, at least until the Spring semester starts. I hope to get back to posting photos at Nolan’s World soon, although they will not necessarily be on a daily basis.

Academically speaking, this upcoming semester will be my last one as a full-time student at Southern. It has been a long but enjoyable 3 1/2 years here at SBTS, and I am excited about finishing strong, Lord willing. Next week, I will be taking a J-term class, which is an entire semester crunched into five days, eight hours a day. Between that class, trying to get some sleep, and spending time with the fam, I suspect you will not see much of me in the comments, although I have some exciting posts scheduled to be posted throughout the week.

Speaking of next week, be sure to look for a post kicking off the 2008 Puritan Reading Challenge. This project will be a major component of my blogging this year, and I hope it will be an encouragement and blessing. I am looking forward with great anticipation to what 2008 will bring, and I hope P&P will be a small part of your reading online.

2 thoughts on “POTW :: 01.05.08 :: littleelvis”

  1. Hey Timmy,

    This kid is gorgeous. I hope all is going well. I’d love to catch up, so I’ll call soon. I know you’ll be busy, but 10 minutes here and there will go a long way.

    p.s. I just changed my homepage to this. I figure if I’d like to stay in the loop, this is a good place to start.

  2. Zach,

    Great to hear from you man! How’s everyone at Snowbird? You’ve got to tell Brody, Spence, and Shawn I said hello. And Luther, and Lester, and the rest of the lunatics . . .

    Yes, we really need to talk. Now that you have made P&P your home page, how about contributing? I’ve still got that sexy profile pic I took back at school. I’m so ready to post it.

    If you don’t call me, I will email you soon. I’m a little busy because Dusti came down with a bad sickness, so Nolan and I have decided to party all night long. But seriously, I am Dusti is not feeling well, so if you think about us, please pray for us. Peace.

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