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OT: Singular Devotion

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

One thing I have asked of the LORD,
that is what I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to inquire in his temple.
Psalm 27:4

The other day I found myself meditating on this verse, having been mauled by multiplicities and meaningless meanderings. I was brought to the heart of a devoted life. A life that is wrapped up in asking, seeking, dwelling, gazing, and inquiring. To One Person, in one place, of one thing – for all the days of one’s life. I realized that the depth of my devotion will be indicated by the degree in which I do these things, and doing them with passion, pursuit, and pleasure. Drudgery does not take me here, but sheer delight in the beauty of God – to stand and be silenced by the glory of God in the face of Christ and to gaze upon him with a fixed mind and a trained eye. Surely the beauty of His countenance should be my guiding light.
I so often find myself slow to abide and quick to get up and go, and I don’t like it. What is more important than inquiring of the Lord and seek after Him? What should the “days of my life” be comprised of but simply dwelling in the house of the Lord and beholding his majesty and splendor? I think that it is because we have not felt/experienced the gravity of God that we seem to be so flighty in our devotions. And I am quite sure that this doesn’t come from “drive-by devotions”. While we are called to gaze, often the best we give is a glance. While we are beckoned to seek after the Lord, we are often found in trivial pursuits and tangential trajectories. While we are to inquire of the Lord, it is all-to-common that we are found only in times of crisis or great need. All the while the greatest need of each day is the presence of God Himself in our lives. This I can testify, for I am guilty of “these days” debilitated by distractions and drawn by “lovers less wild.” Yet, the day is dawning tomorrow, and God is calling me to the preeminent and permanent passion of the devoted life to please Him in all things. May God grant such single-minded, unflinching focus to be indelibly marked by such a life as expressed in this verse.