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Nathan White, Johnny Hunt, and the Sovereignty of God

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Back a couple of months ago, there was a lengthy debate on Don Elbourne’s blog (Locusts and Wild Honey) with his post Johnny Hunt and Election which was later followed by Johnny Hunt, Election, and Matthew 18. These posts, as you would see, were in response to Hunt’s rant at the SBC Pastor’s conference this past summer. Just recently (October 30), Hunt preached another sermon wherein he addresses the sovereignty of God and election. Nathan, a former member of First Baptist Woodstock, has received a lot of attention, especially since Hunt himself chose to address him on a comment in Don Elbourne’s first blogpost. Consequently it appears that there was some correspondence between Nathan and members of FBCW, and Nathan has attempted to respond to Hunt’s message and the assertion that he and Hunt believe the same thing when it comes to the doctrines of grace.
Yesterday’s post is the beginning (though lengthy) response by Nathan. At this point, I have not listened to the sermon but am interested on how this will be handled. It is only my hope that through such correspondence the truth of the gospel will be, by the help of the Spirit, esteemed for the glory of God. With resurgence and reform taking place in the SBC, one of the best things that could happen is that God’s people would be centered on truth more than personalities, regardless of which side you fall. Whether you are a disciple of Piper or Hunt, it is easy to agree with them simply because you admire them, or because they have influenced your life greatly. Yet, we are not of Apollos or of Cephas or of Paul but of Christ, and what should mark us as good Bereans is that we earnestly desire to be workman who are not ashamed and rightly dividing the word of truth.