Gene Bridges, renowned blogger of Triablogue and contributor of Strange BaptistFire, has recently started a blog called A Southern Baptist History Primer in which he has posted the chapters to his recent work called “A Condensed History of Landmarkism in the Southern Baptist Convention with Particular Reference to Baptism and the International Mission Board in the Present Day” (nominated by P&P for the best title of the year). Here are the sections in order:
Part One: Introduction
Part Two: Landmark Teachings
Part Three: The Landscape Before Landmarkism
Part Four (a): The Rise of Landmarkism
Part Four (b): John L. Dagg on Landmarkism, Baptism, Christian Ministers, &tc.
Part Four (c): P.H. Mell and B.H. Carroll – Principled Dissent in the SBC; the Decline of Landmarkism’s Formal Reign
Part Five: The Present Day
Gene has 1,000 printed out already, but 900 of them have already been designated for key leaders in the SBC. He mentioned that the other 100 will be given away in Greensboro, probably at the Founders Breakfast. If you would like a copy for yourself, Gene has asked that you email him with that request. You can find his email in his profile. Important issues such as landmarkism, principled dissent, hypercalvinism, and baptism. Gene has succinctly dealt with some of the most serious issues in the SBC today, and it would be well worth your time to read how this present-day situation in the SBC relates to issues in the past.
I know this is an old post but I have been attempting to find this work on Landmarkism which is no longer online. You don’t have to post this comment (since I include my email) but would like to contact Mr. Bridges and find out how I may find ideally A.)a physical copy of this book or at least B.)maybe a pdf file or even website that now contains the content of this work. I went to the ‘contact’ page linked to and it doesn’t offer any email information. Do you have Mr. Bridges contact info? If so, would you forward him my email ([email protected]) and my request? Thanks.