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Just When You Think We Have Over-Marketed Christianity . . .

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Got this via email today. Just when you thought they could not market The Purpose-Driven Life anymore, here’s one more just for you. The Purpose-Driven Life for Commuters. And guess what? It’s free! Boy, I can’t wait to get my copy of this! Sike.

Let’s see. How many Purpose Driven products are out there today? Probably more than you have time to read, but in any case they market and make millions while people turn them into their Bibles. Reminds me of the lyrics in Webb’s CD:

don’t want the song i want a jingle
i love you Lord but don’t hear a single
and the truth is nearly impossible to rhyme
but i know the songs with all the hooks
and i know some lies that will sell some books
so grab ‘em fast, i’m running outta time
just keep selling truth in candy bars
on billboards and backs of cars
truth without context, my favorite of all my crimes
(Ballad in Plain Red)

Oh well. Such is life in the 21st century.

1 thought on “Just When You Think We Have Over-Marketed Christianity . . .”

  1. It’s like the Chicken Soup for the Fill-In-The-Blank Soul. The Purpose-Driven Life For Children With Very Little Pocket Money. The Purpose-Driven Life For The Mentally Challenged. The Purpose-Driven Life For Soccer Moms. The Purpose-Driven Life For Romanian Gymnastics Coaches. The Purpose-Driven Life For The Purpose-Driven Life Reader. The Purpose-Driven Life for the Purpose-Driven Life Reader Special Edition (With Key Fob And Faux Leather Journal).

    That was too fun.

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