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Is This Worship?

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Every now and then, I check up on old posts I made, and a couple of days ago I decided to check up on the “Holy Hotties” and see what they were up to. I went over to their blog and noticed March 29th’s post entitled “Sunday Night.” Here is what they said:

Sunday night at church was a amazing night! Ohh man it was so crazy! Well to start we had 5 dancers come to the service and Lori and I sat with three of them. Some of the girls were new and others had been attending Sandals for a short while. The message was about worship and about the importance of worshiping God with passion in the same way that you would worship your favorite sports team or music band. ….WORSHIP happened! Everyone at church really got so exited and a conga line was started then further in the night everyone crowded the stage. I looked over at the girls that had come and I was so happy to see them fully worshiping God with all there hearts. It was a great night. ….ok this weekend we go out to Vegas to do a outreach as well as getting to hang out with the two strippers that I met on the Adam Corolla show. Please keep us in prayer about both of these things. God bless you! I am working on answering emails so please give me some time. Thank you all for being such a great support! Heather

(Emphasis mine.)

Is this worship?

Now, I know that people worship in many different ways and styles (say an African church versus conservative American church versus indigenous Indian church, etc.). But, as Scott Hill recently asked, “Does God Care How We Worship?” Is it right to equivocate biblical worship in the same manner as one who worships a sports team or rock band? How do we know when worship really happens?

I vividly remember the pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in Tennessee tell me over dinner one night, “Our Sunday morning services are just wild! It’s like a pep-rally every Sunday morning!” Another church of which I was member back in Mobile, AL advertised on a billboard one statement which said, “_____ Church: The Fun Place.” So is worship really about pep-rally mentality centered on fun and evidenced by a kickin’ conga line? Am I missing something here?

Side note: I am assuming the stripper girls who came were not believers. If that be the case, how can one who does not know Him “fully worship God with all their hearts?” I am reminded of the words of Jesus when he told the Samaritan woman, “You worship what you do not know” (John 4:22). Doxology without theology is pure folly. Where is Bob Kauflin when we need him?!

1 thought on “Is This Worship?”

  1. I read an article in the paper last week about this group, and my thought was “What will we see next?” A non-Christian can go through the motions, but only a believer can truly worship God. As an aside, I’m glad that someone is reaching out to strippers (after all, Jesus reached out to prostitutes). I just hope that at some point they are actually sharing the Gospel with them.

    But there was perhaps a half-truth in the part of the quotation that you emphasized. We should worship God with at least as much devotion and whole hearted zeal as people often display when they “worship” their favorite sports team or band, but I can’t say that we should worship “in the same way.”–>

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