In the coming weeks, I will be sharing about a new reading initiative out of the PLNTD Network for planters and pastors alike. Our first reading project will be reading two new and important contributions to the subject of the mission of the church. The first one is the sequel to Total Church by Steve Timmis and Tim Chester called Everyday Church: Mission by Being Good Neighbours. The second one is by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert entitled, What Is the Mission of the Church? Making Sense of Justice, Shalom, and the Great Commission.
IX Marks recently sat down with Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert to discuss their new book, and their interview is broken down in two parts (links are downloadable MP3s).
Part 1 – discussion on the mission of the church, social justice, and the gospel
Part 2 – exegetical considerations on the mission, the poor, and the kingdom of God
For additional resources, consider:
* Rethinking Missional: Reconciling the Mission of God and the Mission of the Church by Kevin DeYoung
[vimeo 26481607]
How does the second half of the Great Commission impact the churhes mission? ….and teaching them to obey all that i’ve commanded. What is the “all that I’ve commanded”?