Because of the significance of the five men who where killed in Ecuador 50 years ago, I believe that it is important to attempt to share what some are saying about the Chad Allen situation and provide some of my own remarks/responses to what is being said. These men’s lives and impact on Christianity cannot be understated, and I fear that the controversy that is brought about by having a homosexual activist play a leading role has overshadowed the beauty of these men and their devotion to Jesus Christ.
There are two main places where I find the discussion centered in the blogosphere. Tim Challies got it started when he posted Coming Soon: The End of the Spear (68 comments at this point) and followed with The End of the Spear – Further Thoughts (69 comments) and finally Dr. Mohler on Larry King Live (RECAP) (27 comments). The other place is Sharper Iron, specifically with Jason Janz. Janz’s post are as follows:
1.12 Nate Saint Played by Gay Activist in “End of the Spear” (130 comments)
1.14 Update on “End of the Spear” Article
1.14 Weblog Watch (Addressing other relevant posts such as Justin Taylor’s)
1.18 A Letter to Janet Parshall
1.18 Excerpts from Larry King Live with Mohler and Allen
1.18 Update on ETE Controversy
1.18 Over 100 Pastors Sign Letter of Protest to Mart Green and Every Tribe Entertainment
Also, there are other post which should be included in the discussion:
Justin Taylor: The End of the Spear: Is the Messenger the Message? (32 comments, good discussion between Alan Kurschner, Taylor, Steve Camp, and others)
Kevin Bauder: No Way! (28 comments)
Randy Brandt: Did They Fall on Their Own Spears?
Gene Bridges: The Unregenerate and Gospel Art – Redux
Slice of Laodicea: Gay Film Star “Accepted” by Saint Family
Ingrid (of Slice): Chad Allen: Movie Was About Unity and Love
Calvinist Gadfly: Are Homosexuals Acceptable in Christian Films?
Phil Johnson: Does Anyone Even Remember When . . . (see 2nd Miscellany)
Daniel Phillips: Chad Allen, Larry King, “End of the Spear”–Scoring My Prognostications
Carla Rolfe: End of the Spear Shame
Gene Edward Veith: How Murdered Missionaries Changed a Culture (not exactly about Allen)
Evan May: The Unregenerate and “Gospel Art”
Clint M: Is Homosexuality Becoming an Evangelical Witch Hunt?
Michael Staires: Fundamentals Fundamentally Wrong About End of the Spear?
Because I have spent a considerable time reading through the responses, I will add my response in a subsequent post to follow later today. For now, let me leave you with a couple of questions posed by Steve Camp and Alan Kurschner:
Steve Camp poses this question to Justin Taylor (which Taylor has not responded to yet:
“If Dr. Piper went home to be with the Lord say thirty years from now and a Christian based film company wanted to make a movie about his life and ministry, with the same choices that Steve Saint had in this scenario being afforded to you, would you want an actor who was also a gay-activist to play John’s life story?”
Alan Kurschner’s question is as follows:
Can someone affirm both of these statements at the same time?
1) Homosexuality is an abomination to God
2) Homosexual [actors] are acceptable in Christian films
Let’s put it in perspective. More later.
Other Links:
Every Tribe Entertainment
The End of the Spear
Larry King Live Transcript of Gay Marrriage
Note: I have heard that Dr. Al Mohler will be commenting on his radio show today @ 5:00 p.m. EST about his part in the Larry King Live show.
Another Note: For what its worth, don’t forget that James White will be debating Bishop John Shelby Spong on homosexuality on November 3, 2006 with the Sovereign Grace Cruise deal.