Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Last year, I compiled a series of 36 blogposts based on tweets from Scotty Smith on “Signs You’re Growing in Grace.” I, and I know countless others, were greatly encouraged in the gospel by those daily tweets. Another person who brings the gospel to bear regularly on twitter is Paul Tripp. He has recently begun a series of tweets called “If You’re God’s Child . . . ” and I have compiled them for you as well. Depending on how many tweets he does, I may make this into another blogpost category/series. But for now, here’s the seventh (and final) installment of “If You’re God’s Child . . .”
If you’re God’s child, you are blessed with the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit. The question is, are you listening?
If you’re God’s child, you can rest assured that God will do whatever is necessary to complete his redemptive work in you.
If you’re God’s child, it’s grace that is your hope; grace and only grace.
If you’re God’s child, you have the choice of denying your sin or running with joy to the forgiveness you’ve been given.
If you’re God’s child, you are never called to anything you aren’t graced by God to do.
If you’re God’s child, no detail of your life is outside of the care and control of your sovereign Savior.
If you’re God’s child, the fact that the end of your story has already been determined makes God’s care in the middle secure as well.
If you’re God’s child, there is no enemy you will face that hasn’t already been defeated by the cross of Jesus Christ.
If you’re God’s child, you need to know that no dark thing in you is a surprise to the One lived, died and rose to be your Savior.
If you’re God’s child, you need to know that the righteous life of Christ freed you from having to work to gain the Father’s acceptance.
Forgive me. (by the title of this post) I was expecting something else.
Maybe a list of things that we should, ought, or must be doing, so that we will know if we are in the will of God.
I am pleasantly wrong.
No such list here. Just good gospel encouragement.
Thank you!