Home » If You're God's Child » If You’re God’s Child, Part 4

If You’re God’s Child, Part 4

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Last year, I compiled a series of 36 blogposts based on tweets from Scotty Smith on “Signs You’re Growing in Grace.” I, and I know countless others, were greatly encouraged in the gospel by those daily tweets.  Another person who brings the gospel to bear regularly on twitter is Paul Tripp.  He has recently begun a series of tweets called “If You’re God’s Child . . . ” and I have compiled them for you as well.  Depending on how many tweets he does, I may make this into another blogpost category/series. But for now, here’s the fourth installment of “If You’re God’s Child . . .”

If you’re God’s child you have reason for hope no matter how hard things are or how weak you feel because Christ lives inside you.

If you’re God’s child you have been given an identity you didn’t earn and blessed with potential beyond your natural gifts.

If you’re God’s child you have to accept the bad news of your sin before you can celebrate the glorious news of God’s amazing grace.

If you’re God’s child, you have been called to be an ambassador of the same grace that has given you life and hope.

If you’re God’s child, you have been called to carefully obey, but not with the motivation of achieving acceptance with God.

If you’re God’s child your personal story has been woven by grace into God’s grand and glorious redemptive story.

If you’re God’s child you must remember that your faith is deeply relational – called to loving community with God and with others.

If you’re God’s child you must remind yourself today that your walk with God is designed to be a community project from beginning to end.

If you’re God’s child you still suffer from spiritual blindness and need the personal insight-giving wisdom of the body of Christ.

If you’re God’s child, your life doesn’t belong to you anymore, to act like it does never leads anywhere good.