Home » If You're God's Child » If You’re God’s Child, Part 3

If You’re God’s Child, Part 3

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

Part 1 | Part 2 |

Last year, I compiled a series of 36 blogposts based on tweets from Scotty Smith on “Signs You’re Growing in Grace.” I, and I know countless others, were greatly encouraged in the gospel by those daily tweets.  Another person who brings the gospel to bear regularly on twitter is Paul Tripp.  He has recently begun a series of tweets called “If You’re God’s Child . . . ” and I have compiled them for you as well.  Depending on how many tweets he does, I may make this into another blogpost category/series. But for now, here’s the third installment of “If You’re God’s Child . . .”

If you’re God’s child there is hope for you, not because of your wisdom and strength, but because Emmanuel is always with you.

If you’re God’s child your life is now under the personal care and attention of the Creator and King of all that is.

If you’re God’s child grace has connected you to the one thing that can give rest and satisfaction to your heart; the Lord himself.

If you’re God’s child, he has acted decisively on the cross to rescue you from seeking physically what will only be found spiritually.

If you’re God’s child, you can rest assured that nothing you face will be greater than the grace you’ve been given.

If you’re God’s child, you must daily admit your need for the grace that has been so richly supplied to you.

If you’re God’s child, you have the joy of knowing that everything you’ d be afraid of is ruled by your Savior.

If you’re God’s child, you’ve been called not only to be a recipient of the work of God’s kingdom, but a participant of that work as well.

If you’re God’s child you can celebrate the fact that the grace on which you depend is always personal and will never wear out.

If you’re God’s child, today you’ll speak to yourself gospel truths or you’ll forget who you are and the glory of what you’ve been given.