Tad Thompson of Total Truth recently submitted some questions to Frank Page, one of the two candidates to be nominated for the SBC presidency. Page has answered them as well as provided a press release which goes into more details. While I disagree with Page on his soteriology, I have respect for him to answer the questions candidly and considerately (I have been told that his position on Calvinism has been mollified since his book).
In other SBC news, BP has reported that evangelist Keith Fordham will be nominated for first vice-president of the SBC. Honestly, I have no idea what a 1st VP does, so I really have no interest in this deal. However, if you want to read an article that is provocative, go here.
Also, David Hankins, executive director of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, wrote a first-person column in BP called “Cooperative Program at the Crossroads.” He was but one on the committee that drafted the CP Ad Hoc Report and makes his case for the CP.