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Faces of Ecuador

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

It has been some time since I have been able to edit some photos from the Ecuador trip, and I hope to post some pics in a series on P&P for a glimpse of the trip (and in hopes that you might want to do some mission work in Ecuador as well). In the meantime, you can check out the team’s photos here, and you can check out my photos here as well. Let me know what you think (please).

This girl came to us begging for money. Heart breaking . . .

An elderly woman in downtown Quito.

Quichua lady in colonial Quito.

A young Ecuadorian boy

A young Ecuadorian girl

An Otovalo woman in the market

Carmella (Quichua Christian)

A Quichua saleswoman in the market

A musician in the folkloric ballet called Jacchigua

A lady in the National Folkloric Ballet called Jacchigua

This one just for fun! He was just hilarious!

I hope these photos give you a glimpse of the peoples of Ecuador. I have more photos to come later (of places, events, etc.) that I will post when I can get around to it. In the meantime, tell me what photo out of these you like the best and why. Love to hear your input. Thanks!

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