Tim Challies posted on his “A La Carte” the link to D.R. Brooker’s blog (Running Well) where he reveals that Brian McLaren and Tony Jones have forged ahead to the first ever “Emergent Christian, Jewish Leaders” meeting. I don’t think the implications of this meeting and motivation can be understated. What is at stake for Christianity in attempts to deny the exclusivity of Jesus Christ and the gospel is the very identity, distinctives, and contours of the Christian faith. Instead of looking for a Generous Orthodoxy, we should contend for genuine orthodoxy, and that, my friend, is where we have arrived.
Over the past couple of days, I have been thinking about the theological lineage of the Emergent Movement, and I am preparing to make the case that the Emergent Movement has its roots in the same family tree as religious pluralism. I know that this charge carries a high level of “provocativeness,” but I believe it to be true. While there are, of course, many differences, the similaries are striking to say the least.
Quote by Tony Jones in the press release:
“As emerging Christian leaders have been pushing through the polarities of left and right in an effort to find a new, third way, we’ve been desperate to find partners for that quest,” he said. “It’s with great joy and promise that we partner with the leaders of S3K to talk about the future and God’s Kingdom.”
What Others Are Saying:
Emergent – us “Emergent Christian, Jewish Leaders in First-Ever Meeting”
Emergent What? “EmergentVillage Meets with Jewish Leaders”
Xphiles “Inter-Religious Emergers?”
Doug Pagitt “Emergent Christian/Jewish Leaders Meeting”
J. Shawn Landres “Emergent Christian, Jewish Leaders in First-Ever Meeting”
Leighton Tebay “Growing Concern with Emergent”
Jeff Wright “Just In Time for Christmas: Attacks on the Exclusivity of Christ”
Darryl Dash “Emergent Christian/Jewish Leaders Meeting”
Adam Cleaveland “Emergent Christian/Jewish Leaders Meeting: UPDATE”
Steve McCoy “Emergent, Jews, and Justice”
Mike Noakes “S3K and Emergent”
Joe Kennedy “Emergent and Kingdom Work”
Organizations: Synagogue 3000 and Emergent Village
Key Issues: * Level One Issues on Mohler’s Theological Triage)
Uniqueness of Jesus Christ
The Doctrine of Salvation (locus/particularity/atonement)
Exclusivity of the Christian Faith
The Kingdom of God
Revelation of God (General/Specific)
Message (content) of the Gospel (truth claims)
Interfaith Movement (Ecumenism)
Intra-religious Dialogue (Syncretism)
Covenant (Continuity/Discontinuity)
Epistemological, Ecclesiological, and Escatological Implications
Questions being asked:
“Are Christians the only ones who can advance the Kingdom of God? How do you define it?”
“Can Christianity learn from other religions?”
“Can people be saved without ever knowing or believing in Jesus Christ?”
“Can people unknowingly be doing “Kingdom things?” Or “Can one be a part of the Kingdom of God without personally knowing the King?”
“Does the message of Christianity lie in social context (“love your neighbor” and “unto the lease of these” or propositional truth or both?”
“Are other world religions ‘vehicles’ of salvation?”
“Is explicit saving faith necessary for one to be saved?”
“Is there only one way/method (evangelism) for the Kingdom of God to be advanced? Is the Kingdom of God contingent upon human effort?”
“Has God really rejected the Jews or is He still in covenant with them?”
I wish I had the space to copy and paste some of my favorite comments. I might just have to do that if I have some spare time (scratch that – too busy!)
“Salvation is from the Jews” – Jesus Christ in the gospel of John