Now all the hype and rumors can be put to rest I suppose. Here’s an interesting quote from Sutton:
“For the last month I have been receiving calls from people throughout the convention who say they are not completely at peace over the upcoming presidential election,” Sutton said. “I kept putting them off. I prayed all night Sunday night into Monday, asking the Lord for guidance and He told me I’m supposed to run.” (Emphasis mine)
Flashback – a quote from Dr. Ronnie Floyd:
After prayer over these days, counsel from some of his staff and church leaders as well as others in Southern Baptist life, Dr. Floyd called me last Wednesday and informed me that he will humbly accept this nomination due to God speaking to him dramatically through Acts 16:6-10. He never sought it one moment, but was drafted supernaturally to let me nominate him to be our next President. (Emphasis mine)
We now have two nominees supernaturally drafted and told by God that they should run. This could be interesting. I wonder who God has “elected.”
Four notable things about Sutton:
1. He is the author of Baptist Reformation: The Conservative Resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention.
2. His church (Two Rivers Baptist Church) hosted Justice Sunday II.
3. He appeared on MSNBC Hardball with Chris Matthews and denied Pat Robertson’s statements about Robertson’s appeal for Hugo Chavez’s assassination.
4. A native of Mobile, Alabama, Sutton was saved, licensed, and ordained at Cottage Hill Baptist Church where Fred Wolfe, who is nominating Jimmy Jackson for 1st VP, was the pastor.