I must admit, I do not check Baptist Press (BP) or the Associated Baptist Press (ABP) often, so I cannot, with any degree of accuracy, tell you the nature of their reporting (although some have found similarities to the secular press). However, I noticed that in today’s headlines, there were three articles on Calvinism. Does anyone else find this interesting?
Here are the three articles:
‘TULIP’: Divine Sovereignty, Human Responsibility by Danny Akin (SBC Life)
Assessing the ‘TULIP’ of Calvinism by Malcom Yarnell (SBC Life)
Glossary of Terms Related to Calvinism
Tom Ascol commented on Akin’s article last month in which he highlighted the following remark, “Pelagians, Arminians and Open Theists will not find a home in our Southern Baptist family.” Also, Ascol has written an excellent response to Dr. Yarnell’s article which expresses inarticulations and imprecision on key doctrinal positions of Calvinists (such as irresistible grace and regeneration). Also, you might want to avail yourself to Ascol’s four-part response to Yarnell’s previous work “The Heart of a Baptist” (1, 2, 3, 4). Finally, I think the BP staff have provided a glossary of terms related to Calvinism which is unfortunately inadequate, and I do not know if will do more good than harm . . .but then again, I would rather people get information from Baptist Press than BaptistFire anyday!
On another note, the article by fellow SBTS student, Garrett Wishall about our recent trip to Ecuador, was included with the headlining articles. This was a total surprise. Furthermore, I had no idea that I was going to be quoted when I shared about the trip (I went over to deliver the pics for the article). But that’s cool nonetheless. Goes to show that you always need to be ready to give an account!
Both of the articles by Akin and Yarnell are in the current issue of SBC Life.