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A More ‘Conventional’ Way of Supporting SBC Church Plants

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Written By Tim Brister

Tim has a missionary heart for his hometown to love those close to him yet far from God. He is husband to Dusti and father to Nolan, Aiden, and Adelyn - fellow pilgrims to our celestial city.

My last article was rather long, and included in the piece was specific information regarding how you and I can support the church plants that will be de-funded by the Missouri Baptist Convention in a couple of weeks.

As I understand it, while there are nine Acts29/SBC churches in the MBC, only four are being immediately affected financially. Here’s how it breaks down:


Believer’s Church (losing $1,000 a month)
#1 YMCA Drive
Hannibal, MO 63401
Pastor: Sam Byers

Genesis Church (losing $1,000 a month)
4525 Highway 109
Eureka, MO 63025
Pastor: Mike Hubbard

Karis Community Church (losing $500 a month)
P.O. Box 572
Columbia, MO 65205
Pastor: Kevin Larson

The Journey St. Louis (see Darrin’s comment below)
7701 Maryland Ave.
Saint Louis, MO 63105
Pastor: Darrin Patrick

>> GIVE <<

For the upcoming year, a total of $30,000 will be needed to maintain current support for the three churches above (Believers, Genesis, and Karis). There are a number of ways we can help meet this challenge. Here are some ideas:

1. If you a minister or pastor, consider taking up a special offering on behalf of these churches sometime in the next three months.

2. Consider contributing a small amount each month to the “Show Me Church Planting Fund.” If a total of 300 people end up giving a total of only $100 (per person) next year, then the $30k goal could be met.

3. If you know you will be receiving additional income, for instance, from you income tax refund next year, then perhaps you could give a portion of that in a one-time offering.

So where are we to send our financial gifts? Below is the information and directions for sending all checks and financial contributions:

St. Louis Metro Baptist Association
(designate it for the “Show Me Church Planting Fund”)

Mailing address:

St. Louis Metro Bapt. Assoc.
attn. Darren Casper
3859 Fee Fee Road
Bridgeton, Mo. 63044

You may contact Darren at 314-571-7579, extension 103.

>> PRAY <<

Friends, let us also not forget to pray about this situation. Pray for these pastors and young church plants. Pray for the MBC and those behind this motion. Pray for the SBC at large. Pray for the Acts 29 Network and future church plants, including those associated with the SBC.

Lastly, we need to get some perspective on this whole situation. The Missouri Baptist Convention next year will have $10.5 million in their piggy bank to use at their discretion. We are talking here about $30,000. Doing the math will tell you that $10.5 million can be broken down to 350 different $30k blocks. We are talking about only one. Now, what the MBC does with the other 349 blocks of $30k you and I have no idea. But I tell you now, I feel much more comfortable with my Southern Baptist dollar in the hands of the “Show Me Church Planting Fund” than the MBC piggy bank. Let us put our money and pool our resources together in a way that we are fueling front-line church plants, not a back room bureaucracy.

14 thoughts on “A More ‘Conventional’ Way of Supporting SBC Church Plants”

  1. Hey Timmy,
    Just for the record, we are not affected financially by this decion. Our church has never been supported by the MBC. We simply took a low interest loan that was offered to us by the MBC convention leadership to help us with our building that is being used for worship and church planter training.

  2. Thanks Darrin for the clarification. I am ever hopeful that the financial needs will be met by God’s people both within and without the SBC.

    BTW, has the debate with Roger Moran been scheduled? Just curious.

  3. Timmy,
    I thought you guys might want to know that we (www.shapevine.com) will be doing a live videocast interview on Shapevine this Tuesday (Dec 18th 2:30pm CST) with Darrin Patrick. It is free and only requires a quick login membership.

    Lance Ford
    Co-Founder, Shapevine

  4. Just an FYI– the addresses listed above are just where the churches meet. I’m not asking people to send money to me, but if you send anything to the address above, it might not get to me– it’s just our Sunday morning space.

    Karis Community Church
    P.O. Box 572
    Columbia, MO 65205

    All the love and support has been amazing!

  5. Timmy,
    I am getting with Roger and our interium ex director David Tolliver in January.
    My guess is it will happen after easter

  6. Kevin,

    I just posted some excerpts from your interview with Tom. Brother, your gracious words and encouragement has been wonderful to hear. Thank you for being a Christ-honoring example during this very difficult deal. My heart goes out to you, your churches, and the others involved. If there is anything I/we can do besides praying, giving, and informing, please let me know.

    And thanks for the updated address!

  7. Timmy,

    Thanks for this encouraging post.

    Keep in mind that the $$-figures you quotes are only what the MBC gives them. If MBC churches who sponsor these plants follow the lead of their state convention, the need could become much greater.


  8. Eric,

    That’s true. Kevin mentioned that 1/3 of their support comes from the MBC or something like that. My hope is that the recent events will do just the opposite by leading many others to give more than the MBC could or would offer to begin with. My wife and I don’t have much, but we are looking forward to supporting them with whatever we can.

  9. Hey Timmy,

    Thanks for helping to get the word out about the Show Me Partnerhsip fund.

    These are some rock solid dudes that are going to need our support come January ’08

    St. Louis Metro

  10. Pastor Nabin couple.

    (01 ) Introduction:
    My name is Nabin Darlami. I was born in Hindu background family. My father was priest from Magar tribe. He did sacrifice to the animal and birds to the god and goddess. I was impressed in him to follow his sacrificial practice but when I was 16 years, I knew that Jesus was crucified on cross to forgive my sin and to give salvation from death so that He is taking place in my life because of my heartily welcome to Him and on trusted in Him. God call me to go Bible College for 3 years theology training. After graduated from college church ordained me to do Pastor ministry in my local church since 1996 under His grace. I am married with Hannah. We couple have 3 children. They are student in secondary and primary school grade.

    (02) Church background:
    Our church name is “CHRISTIA CHURCH”. This church was started since 1975 in center town where were 4 leprosy historical Christian man who were praying with God. This period was not allowed to be Christian so that they were underground believers. After added number of Christian in Church, many times they were carried in prisons because Panchayet government was ruling here and government did not allow to being Christian to any Nepali people. Nepal was known only one Hindu Kingdom among the world till 2008 A.D. Here is namely democracy government till now. As well as church was growing in His grace where is many people are saved in Jesus. Our church was started first time in the Surkhet town. Here are 20 churches inside of this town till now.

    (03) Branch Churches:
    Our church did establishing nine (9) branch churches in Surkhet and other different mountain districts. First branch church also did establishing 3 granddaughter churches. Every these branch churches have own local pastor and leaders executives board members to conduct these fellowship. So we have 13 churches with us together as one family church. Now here are 80 churches in Surkhet district only with all different type of churches groups. 288527 People are living in Surkhet district only where 8500 Christians among these other religious people are so that we have big challenge to win them in Christ.

    (04) Church board members:
    Pastor: Ramji P. Koirala (he is general secretary)
    Pastor: Dalsing Saru (he is treasure of Church)
    Pastor: Gyan Gurung (he is counselor member)
    Deacons are Nabo Kumar Ghosh, Man B. Thapa and Mrs Somatee Gurung.
    Kind of fellowship in Church:
    Normally we are doing Prayer Fellowship, House fellowship, Sunday school, Youth fellowship, Women fellowship inside the church activities etc.

    (05) Fellowship group members.
    Our above church building is in cross model so that our church members are living in 3 corners as in state seen corner.

    (06) Social ministry activities:
    Our church is praying and making plan to do ministry among the orphans home, Widows and old home and skill development to be self sustains, Care to old peoples, Scholarship program to the poor students, Church building projects, Bicycle and motorbikes ministry for the evangelist and church ministers, medical camp and nursing hospital etc.
    Our pray and focus is to start Christian nursing hospital in our town because it is very necessary here. Government general hospital is not getting success to give good treatment here so that many people are getting big suffering because of lacking healthcare center. Surkhet is center district of the Mid West Nepal where are 15 districts and it is big remote land region among other 4 region part of country Nepal.

    (07) Statement of faith.
    1. We believe there is one true God who is the creator of all things. He exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    2. We believe that the Bible is the inspired infallible Word of God and is without error in all it affirms. We believe that it is our ultimate source of authority and is fully trustworthy for all matters of faith and conduct.
    3. We believe sin has separated each of us from God and has robbed us of the meaning and fulfillment that God had planned for us.
    4. We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He was born of the Virgin Mary and lived a sinless life.
    5. We believe in the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross: dying in our place, dealing with the problem of our sin, opening the way for us to be made right with God and defeating Satan.
    6. We believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, his ascension to the Father and his reign at the Father’s right hand.
    7. We believe sinners are forgiven and brought into a right relationship with God by his grace and not by works of any kind. We believe that the sinner needs to turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
    8. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to show us our sin, to lead us to repentance, and to give us new birth.
    9. We believe that the believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit at conversion. It is his desire to transform us so that we become more like Jesus in word and deed. It is the Holy Spirit who produces the Fruit of the Spirit within us and not legalistic rules and regulations.
    10. We believe that while the new Christian is indwelt with the Spirit when they believe they still need to receive the power of the Spirit. We believe this usually comes after conversion and is referred to as ‘being Spirit filled’.
    11. We believe all the gifts of the Spirit as recorded in the New Testament, including “speaking in tongues”, are available today.
    12. We believe the church, both local and universal, is the Body of Christ. Being an active part of the local church is mandatory for the believer unless the situation prohibits this. We believe in the priesthood of all believers and the enthusiastic commitment to the Great Commission.
    13. We believe in the personal visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfill the purposes of God. We believe in the final judgment, the eternal punishment of the lost and the establishment of the New Heaven and New Earth for the redeemed.

    (08) Present context:
    God has ordained me for the president responsible among the 15 district churches of the Mid West region of Nepal through “National churches fellowship of Nepal”(NCFN) which is a genuine origin historical organization of Nepali Churches. More than 1000 (thousand) Nepali churches are affiliated members in this organization.
    We 7 members are in our executive board committee. We have regional center office in Koholpur Banke where we board members are doing meeting according needed time to time.

    (09) Future plan:
    Churches are growing and we would like establish more in His kingdom.
    (01). Where are not church building for the fellowship we would like make it for
    His glory. Where are needed to repairs church building, we do like to help
    (02) We are planning to keep seminar and conference for the new Christians
    Groups to make disciple of Jesus and also like to keep seminar and
    Conference to develop Pastor Leaders to equip them in their calling
    Ministries in God’s kingdom.
    (03) We would like keep skill development training to develop their capacity
    Building in different parts of personality for Christian communities.
    (04) Motorbikes and cycles ministry for the pastor and evangelist leaders for
    Who have really needed in their ministries.
    (05) We would like keep seminar and conference for the children, youth and
    Women groups too. I am interested to keep conference for the unmarried
    Youths only to give prevent beware model teaching to make them model life
    For the future generations.
    (06) We do keep relationship with all God’s people to fulfill God’s provision for
    His glory accepts cult groups so that you are welcome with us to pray for us.
    How you have possible to be with us? You and your community are welcome
    in our vision to help us please. We are praying for like you friends who can
    Help us for His glory.

    God bless you all in richly.

    Address for contact:
    Pastor Nabin Darlami.
    Christia church Itram Surkhet Mid West Nepal.
    Phone: 0977+83+520781, Cell: 0977+9848050095
    E-mail: meundergrace@hotmail.com, cci.intrinity@gmail.com

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