Last week was quite a blurry week for me. I don’t know why, and I can’t exactly explain it. For instance, twice I found myself steeped in thought driving down the road only to later be aroused by the fact that I had no idea where I was or where I was supposed to be going. Totally erratic. Then, as the cold front began to come in to Louisville, I checked out the weather to dress accordingly, so I laid out some pants and long-sleeve shirt to wear to work. Half way there, I looked down at myself and realized that I was wearing t-shirt and shorts, and the exact same thing I wore the night before! What? Other occasions I had full intentions of doing some important things only to later find out that they hadn’t even crossed my mind.
Life out of focus is particularly frustrating for me, for I am the kind of guy who plans everything out and has everything organized, down to the most miniscule detail. I began to wonder why this was happening? Was those head injuries as a child catching up with me? That hatchet in the head did hurt I remembered. Was my life just getting over complicated? My little omni notebook was quite full. Was I not getting enough sleep? My red-eyes were not telling me lies. Speaking of sleep, I was talking to my good friend Caleb about it, both of us having our own struggles with the lack of it. We discussed how sleep is a God-given gift and necessity and how it is used for a number of reasons in body regulatory functioning – hormonal output, metabolic digestion, biorhythmic patterns, cognitive functioning, etc. I noticed that as I write most my posts, I have one eye opened and the other shut. This is not good.
Did you ever have “that person” who always bragged about living off of four hours of sleep? Or that person who would get up at 4:30 a.m. to have their quiet time and devotions? Everyone thought that was so super-spiritual, and if you weren’t awake as the sun rose reading your Bible, well, you were just as godly. How silly is that? Last year, I remember hearing D.A. Carson saying that sleep was one of the most godly disciplines you can do. I agree.
Anyway. Hopefully, the blur will soon pass, and I can be more disciplined in my day and sleep. That may mean less posting/reading, but it may improve the quality of my work and beneficial to myself and others.