Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
I started a new series on Twitter several months ago, called “50¢ Word(s) of the Day”. Here’s the sixth installment from this past week:
Monday: corpus doctrinae –> body of doctrine (theological system of doctrine held by the church throughout the ages)
Tuesday: infra lapsum –> below or subsequent to the fall (where we get the term infralapsarianism)
Wednesday: desiderium gratiae –> the longing or ardent desire for grace (characteristic of fully actualized faith in believer)
Thursday: conformitas voluntatis –> conformity of will (aligning human will to the divine)
Friday: causa meritoria –> meritorious cause (i.e., the death of Christ for the believing sinner)
Saturday: non posse non peccare –> not able not to sin (condition of fallen humanity; total depravity)